A beloved ps4 exclusive is coming back with “Bloodborne: 2 bleed and 2 be born”

Yandere dev, who took the place of Hidetaka Miyazaki as the from software’s game director after his retirement, already announced one of the most waited games ever, “Bloodborne: 2 bleed and 2 be born”, sequel of the acclaimed title “Bloodborne”, which was only released on the “Playstation 4“.

“I’ve always wanted to work for a game like bloodborne, I can’t wait to reveal more about the game!” said Yandere dev, “but if you want to help me make the game, I’ve decided to open a Kickstarter!”, he also gave informations about a possible future trailer.

“a teaser trailer will be released on april 22nd, stay tuned for more information about Bloodborne: 2 bleed and 2 be born”, the fanbase from all around the world is now theorizing and discussing about this game, mostly because of the high expectations from the first game.

By Cata

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